More-than-human Archives

Planning Workshop

October 23, 2020

RCC Conference Room, 9am - 2pm


Established by the Environing Infrastructure team at the Rachel Carson Center, this half-day planning workshop will examine how knowledge archives might be otherwise constituted to include more-than-human entities by working through objects and their relations, as well as words and discourse. We aim to engage with materials, objects, matter, and more-than-human entities as both a methodological and theoretical challenge. By taking as starting point key questions of agency, liveliness, and animism, we address the discursive and material interfacing of objects, and their relations, in both the making and unmaking of knowledge. To this end, the core question addressed is: How might the act of co-constructing our customary frames of reference create new narrative environments for the living/functioning of objects and organisms?

With the aim of planning a larger event in Spring 2021, the workshop is intended as a brainstorming exercise that will think through some of its main purposes and conceptual underpinnings, provide a space for interaction and discussion amongst workshop participants, and gather areas of interest before setting an agenda for the main workshop next year.


8.30am – 9.15am: Introductions  

9.30am – 11am: Brainstorming concepts and ideas

Coffee/Tea Break

11.30am – 1pm: Planning exercises

1pm – 2pm: Lunch

After lunch: Walk


Huiying Ng (RCC)

Michelle Lai (Eindhoven Design Academy)

Roger Norum (RCC / University of Oulu)

Alessandro Rippa (RCC)

Matthäus Rest (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History)

Stefan Dorondel (RCC / Francisc I. Rainer Institute of Anthropology, Bucharest)

Sevgi Mutlu Sirakova (RCC)

Mai Abbas (RCC / Coventry University)